Well Women Health checkup
- Personalised preventive medicine consultation
- Clinical Examination including Breat and Gynaecological check by a Gynaecologist
- Life style assessment including Nutritional assessment, weight control measures
- Ortho consultation
- Dental consultation
- Dermatology consultation
- Cardiology consultation
- Hemoglobin
- Packed Cell Volume,
- RBC Count, Total WBC,
- Differential Count,
- Platelet Count, MCV, MCH,MCHC,ESR
Lipid Profile:
- Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol,
- LDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides
Liver Profile:
- Total Protein, Albumin
- Globulin, SGPT,SGOT,SGOP
- Alkaline Phosphatase,
- Serum Bilirunin
General Tests:
- Serum calcium, RA factor,
- Thyroid Function Test(TFT),
- Urine Routine Analysis, ECG (resting),
- Ultrasonogram of Abdomen and Pelvis/Transvaginal Sonography,
- USG breast, Pap smear
Blood Sugar:
- Fasting Blood Sugar,
Renal Profile:
- Urea, Creatinine,
- Uric Acid
Basic Checkup Men
- Clinical Examination including comprehensive assessment
- Cardiology Consultation
- Ortho consultation
- Physiotherapy(if required)
- Medical Summary
- Evaluation by Family Physician
- Dental Consultation
- Hemoglobin,
- Blood grouping Packed Cell Volume,
- RBC Count,
- Total WBC Differential Count,
- Platelet count, MCV, MCH, MCHC, ESR
Blood Sugar:
- Fasting Blood Sugar,
- PP Blood Sugar(for diabetics only)
- HbA1C
Renal Profile:
- Urea, Creatinine,
- Uric Acid,
- Sodium and potassium
Lipid Profile:
- Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol,
- LDL Cholesterol,
- Triglycerides, HDL Ratio
Liver Profile:
- Total Protein, Albumin
- Globulin, SGPT,SGOT,GGT,
- Alkaline Phosphatase,
- GGTP Serum Bilirubin
- Total direct
General Tests:
- Serum Calcium
- PSA,Urine Routein Analysis,
- X-Ray Chest(PA view)
- ECG (Resting),Echo,TMT,BMI,
- USG abdomen
Post-Covid Advanced Check Up
After post-covid, most individuals do gain sufficient antibodies which prevent chances of reinfection. However, post covid health issues are on the rise. It’s important that we diagnose it early and address it. More so, for people who are in high-risk category, or are old, taking preventive measures to further protect immunity can be quite helpful.
Care should be taken not only to prevent illness but also after illness
- Family Medicine Consultation
- Nutritionist/Dietician Consultation
- Post Covid Rehabilitation
- Dermatology Consultation
- Dental
- CBC, Urine Routine
- Sodium Electrolyte
- Ferritin
- D-Dimer
- X-Ray
Post-Covid Basic Check Up
After post-covid, most individuals do gain sufficient antibodies which prevent chances of reinfection. However, post covid health issues are on the rise. It’s important that we diagnose it early and address it. More so, for people who are in high-risk category, or are old, taking preventive measures to further protect immunity can be quite helpful.
Care should be taken not only to prevent illness but also after illness
- Family Medicine Consultation
- Nutritionist/Dietician Consultation
- Post Covid Rehabilitation
- Dermatology Consultation
- Dental
- CBC, Urine Routine
- Sodium Electrolyte
- X-Ray
Healthy Ageing Package (Gold)
- Geriatric Consultation
- Cardiology Consultation
- Dental Consultation
- Diet counselling
- Physiotherapy Consultation
- Hemoglobin,Blood grouping
- Packed Cell Volume,
- RBC Count, Total WBC,
- Differential Count,
- Platelet Count, MCV, MCH,MCHC,ESR
Lipid Profile:
- Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol,
- Triglycerides, HDL Ratio
Liver Profile:
- Total Protein, Albumin
- Globulin, SGPT,SGOT,GGT,
- Alkaline Phosphatase,
- Serum Bilirubin
General Tests:
- Urine Routein Analysis
- ECG (Resting)
- Echo
- X-Ray Chest(PA view)
- Vit D test(optional)
- Serum Calcium
- USG abdomen
Blood Sugar:
- Fasting Blood Sugar,
- PP Blood Sugar(for diabetics only)
- HbA1C
Renal Profile:
- Urea, Creatinine,
- Uric Acid
Healthy Ageing Package (Platinum)
- Geriatric Consultation
- Cardiology Consultation
- Ortho Consultation
- Dermatology Consultation
- Dental Consultation
- Diet Counselling
- Physiotherapy Consultation
- Life style assessment
- Review of medications and immunization
- Education and awareness on preventive life style
- Hemoglobin, Blood grouping
- Packed Cell Volume
- RBC Count, Platelet count, MCV,MCH,MCHC,ESR
Lipid Profile:
- Total Cholestrol, HDL
- Cholestrol, LDL Cholestrol,
- Triglycerides, HDL Ratio
Liver Profile:
- Total Protein, Albumin
- Globulin, SGPT,SGOT,GGTP,
- Alkaline Phosphatase,
- Serum Bilirubin
General Tests:
- Urine Routine Analysis
- TSH, ECG(Resting),
- Echo, TMT, X-Ray Chest(PA view), Vit D test(optional),
- Serum Calcium, USG abdomen,
- DEXA scan
Blood Sugar:
- Fasting Blood Sugar, PP Blood Sugar(for diabetics only)
- HbA1C
Renal Profile:
- Urea, Creatinine,
- Uric Acid
Liver Profile:
- Total Protein, Albumin
- Globulin, SGPT,SGOT,GGTP,
- Alkaline Phosphatase,
- Serum Bilirubin
Little Champ Health Check
SP Well Fort’s Champ Health Check is specially designed to assess a child’s overall health status and review his/her development. This package offers basic tests along with Pediatric Consultation, Dental Assessment, Speech, Counselling and Vaccination updates.
- Personalised physical examination by paediatrician
- Dental assessment
- Milestone evaluation- Development therapy
- Hearing Assessment/OAE
- Speech therapist consultation
- Vision checkup
- Counselling-Preshool and School
- Age counselling
- Blood grouping and Rh typing
Renal Profile:
- Urea
- Creatinine
Liver Profile:
- Serum Bilirubin
Thyroid function test:
- Random Blood sugar
- Urine Routine Analysis